The reading above is provided to us by the Holy Church for our edification annually on the Sunday of the Last Judgment. We know this Sunday more as Meatfare Sunday, and given that this is the last day that we are allowed to eat meat before Pascha, sadly this gospel is often not reflected upon adequately, since we are usually in a rush after the Liturgy on that day to get to the table.
Still, even if we are not as attentive to this gospel reading as we should be, it is nonetheless applicable to us. We are bound by the instructions given there. That is, as long as we desire to attain the Heavenly Kingdom. Given that this is indeed our desire, we need to find a way to fulfill the instructions our Lord gives us in this gospel.
Sometimes the scripture readings need some explanation to make them clear. Honestly – this one doesn’t need much. The Lord simply and clearly outlines for us how we will answer at the Last Judgment. This is good – we do not want to guess about such things. That being said, we tend to dismiss spiritual things that seem difficult or impossible to us, and I think we do that often in regard to this reading. The problem is that our priest has not really stressed the importance of fulfilling the Matthew 25 challenge in our parish (yes – the priest who is writing this note), but it is time for that to change. We are not a small parish. In fact, we have more members than any other parish in the diocese. Thus, we need to be leaders – and this is a very good place to start.
Let me say here that in our lives we have three ways that we can apply good:
- Time
- Treasure
- Talent
At different times in our lives we have more or less of each of these things. Often when we are young we have little treasure, for instance, but we have some talent, and likely a lot of time. When we form a family and start having children the time disappears for the most part, but we likely have more talent than we did as young people, and probably more treasure too. In our later years we might not have a lot of ability to apply time or talent, but we might have more treasure. The point is this: we need to examine our lives and see how we can apply each of these to the Matthew 25 challenge. And your reality is almost certainly going to be different than the reality of your neighbor. Thus, there is no need to judge another in this regard. As long as we are all working towards the same goal, applying the time, treasure, and talent that we have available, we will, as a parish family, meet the Matthew 25 challenge to the greatest extent possible. The bottom line: EVERYONE can and should and must participate if we are going to meet this challenge, but participation might look different for you than it does for the person standing next to you in church on Sunday morning. You might only have treasure to give, while that person might only have time…
I have been thinking praying about this for a good long time now. That does not mean that I am any wiser in this regard than I was when I started, but I have at least, hopefully guided by the Lord’s merciful hand, come to a few conclusions about how we, as a parish family, can best meet the Matthew 25 challenge.
Here are the major action items from the gospel of the Last Judgment:
- If we help others in need we give into the Hand of the Lord – thus we need to help those in need:
- We need to feed the hungry
- We need to give drink to the thirsty
- We need to give housing to the homeless
- We need to give clothes to the naked
- We need to visit the sick
- We need to visit those in prison
- If we do NOT do these things we have NOT given in the Hand of the Lord when He (in the place of those made in His image) was in need
To support this point (although I am not sure support is really needed – these are the words of the Lord Himself after all) I would like to include a brief excerpt from the life of St. Martin of Tours:

From this point forward I will assume that all agree that action is needed on our part in light of Matthew 25. If I haven’t – please talk to me. The Church has never interpreted the instructions in Matthew 25 to be optional or a suggestion – these are action oriented orders and we need to act, or fall in with the goats at the Last Judgment. I’m hoping to be with the sheep, and I’m hoping you all will be too. To increase our odds in that regard we need to put the Matthew 25 instructions to work in our lives as St. Martin did. But how?
I suggest we combine the need to give food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty. If we do that we get to these major action items:
- Nourish (food and drink) those in need
- House those in need
- Clothe those in need
- Visit/support the sick
- Visit/support those in prison
That is five major points that we need to attend to as a parish family. I think this will work best if we have five volunteers to work closely with me in this regard – to help facilitate our parish family’s participation in fulfilling the Matthew 25 instructions. I would also argue that our philanthropic efforts as a parish should also be focused mostly in these areas, and volunteers will work with me to help identify local partners that can help us facilitate these efforts. We will work with local volunteer partners to allow our parishioners to apply their time, treasure, and talent to this challenge.
That is not to say that we will never work with those outside our local area. Of course we will. But we have an opportunity to help our parish family spiritually in this regard, and although a few may choose to work with IOCC nationally or internationally on relief projects – not many of us will have the opportunity to do that. But to work locally – that is a lot easier. And the point here is to make it as easy as possible for our parish family to follow the Lord’s guidance in Matthew 25.
Please contact me if you can help. I think the “Visit/Support the Sick” piece is already mostly filled, but having another volunteer coordinator there is not a bad idea. Otherwise – first come first served! :)
I would like to have all this in place, including providing opportunities for our parish family to volunteer/donate by September 1, 2017. I am confident we can do that if we begin today. Please help us by volunteering to lead one of the efforts listed above!
Fr. Gregory
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